Attencione - Footballfinal!!!

The Great Grand Finale for the gold and fame of Tallink Cup 2016 shall be played on Thursday 8th of September 11:00 between M/S GALAXY versus M/S ISABELLE at Kaknäs stadium (Stockholm).

It will be Sweden versus Latvia! One hard-hitting bulldozer against the other! During the tournament both have demonstrated their fineness and willpower. Huuuhaaa it will be a fight and battle of everything!

The Grande Finale will be part of our company Staff Festival day on the same spot. Come and take part of this exceptional happening! Football is nothing without the fans and supporters and this is the game and entertainment and feeling what you don't want to miss! Prepare your flags and songs and come and see the Game and support your colors!

Faith - Fun – Fight – Football is way better than … carrots!
C U in the battlefield!

Taavi Tiivel
Tallink Cup