Aktsionäride üldkoosolek 7.05.2024
Annual General Meeting of shareholders


Estonian Seisuga 4. aprill 2024 oli AS Tallink Grupp emiteerinud kokku 743 569 064. Kõik aktsiad on üht liiki ning iga aktsia annab aktsionäride üldkoosolekul ühe hääle.

English At 04 April 2024 AS Tallink Grupp had a total of 743 569 064 shares. All shares are of the same kind and each share carries one vote at the shareholder’s general meeting.



Notice calling the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Please select the appropriate language of the documents:
Estonian Üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade PDF
English Notice calling Annual General Meeting PDF

Eelnõud ja otsused | Drafts & Resolutions

Muud dokumendid | Other documents


  • Estonian Muudatusettepanekuga põhikiri: PDF
  • English Draft of Articles of Association: PDF

  • Estonian | English 
    Kalev Järvelille ametikäigu lühikirjeldus | Brief overview of the career of Kalev Järvelill:
    PDF (EN)
    PDF (ET)


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Please select the appropriate language of the documents:

Volikiri korralisel üldkoosolekul aktsionäri õiguste kasutamiseks



Aktsionäride korralisel üldkoosolekul aktsionäri õiguste teostamiseks antud volikirja tagasivõtmise teade



Power of attorney for the exercise of the shareholder’s rights at the Annual General Meeting



Withdrawal of the authorization granted with a power of attorney issued for the exercise of the shareholder’s rights at the Annual General Meeting



Power of attorney for nominee registered FDR holders for the exercise of the shareholder’s rights at the Annual General Meeting



Withdrawal of the authorization granted with a power of attorney for nominee registered FDR holders for the exercise of the shareholder’s rights at the Annual General Meeting


Majandusaasta aruanded | Annual Reports 2023

AS Tallink Grupp

Annual Report 2023

AS Tallink Grupp Annual Report 2023

Please select the appropriate language of the documents:
Estonian AS Tallink Grupp auditeeritud 2023 majandusaasta aruanne PDF | ESEF
English Audited 2023 Annual Report AS Tallink Grupp

Supervisory Board

Report 2023

Supervisory Board Report 2023

Please select the appropriate language of the documents:
Estonian Nõukogu aruanne 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruande kohta PDF
English Supervisory Board Report regarding the Annual Report of 2023 PDF

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Protokoll ja presentatsioonid | Minutes & presentations

Minutes & Presentations
Aktsiaseltsi Tallink Grupp 7.05.2024 korralise Üldkoosoleku otsuste kohta koostatud protokoll (PDF)


AS Tallink Grupp Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders 7.05.2024 (PDF) EN

AS-i Tallink Grupp presentatsioon aktsionäride üldkoosolekul 7.05.2024.a. (PDF) ET


AS Tallink Grupp Investor Presentations for the Annual General Meeting of 7.05.2024 (PDF) EN
