Frequently asked questions


About Tallink

Q: When was Tallink Grupp established?
A: The origins of the Tallink brand date back to 1989, when a company named Tallink was founded as a Finnish-Soviet joint venture. However, the roots of Silja Line, owned by Tallink Grupp, go back to 1883. More information on the company’s history is available at
Q: Where can I find information on the services provided by Tallink Grupp?
A: The information about the services and products can be found here.
Q: Where can I sign up for the company news?
A: For subscription to Tallink Grupp’s stock exchange announcements register here.


Corporate Governance and Sustainability

Q: What is the management structure at Tallink Grupp?
A: The ultimate authority lies with the shareholders, who exercise the authority at the Annual General Meeting. One of the primary duties of the shareholders is to elect members to the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board engages in oversight and longer-term management activities including determining the principles for the strategy, organisation, budgets and election of the members of the Management Board. The Management Board is an executive body charged with the day-to-day management of the Company, as well as with representing the Company in its relations with third parties. More information on corporate governance is available at
Q: Where can I find information about Tallink Grupp’s sustainability apprach?
A: Information on corporate social responsibility, including environmental policies, is available at
Q: Where can I find information about Tallink’s Supplier Code of Conduct?
A: AS Tallink Grupp’s Supplier Code of Conduct is available in the supplier contacts’ section at



Q: What is Tallink’s financial year?
A: Tallink Grupp’s financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December. However, prior to 2011 Tallink Grupp’s financial year started on 1 September and ended on 31 August.
Q: Where can I get latest annual and interim reports?
A: All the published annual and interim reports can be found
Q: When does Tallink Grupp report its financial results?
A: Our reporting calendar is available here.
Q: Where can I listen to Tallink Grupp’s results’ webinars?
A: Tallink Grupp holds quarterly webinars, which typically take place on the same day with the disclosure of quarterly results. Invitation to webinars is circulated about a week before the webinar through a stock exchange announcement. Subscription for Tallink Grupp’s stock exchange announcements can be registered here. The link’s to the recordings of previously held webinars are available at
Q: Who is Tallink Grupp’s independent auditor?
A: Tallink Grupp’s independent auditor is KPMG Baltics OÜ. Please refer to Tallink Grupp’s most recent annual report for the latest independent auditor’s report.


Dividend Payments

Q: What is Tallink Grupp’s dividend policy?
A: In 2018, the Group adopted a dividend policy subject to which dividends of a minimum amount of EUR 0.05 per share would be paid if the economic performance allows it.
Q: Does Tallink pay cash dividends?
A: Tallink Grupp has paid cash dividends annually since 2013. However, due to economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing global uncertainties the Annual General Meetings of Shareholders held between 2020-2023 decided not to pay dividends for the financial years of 2020-2023. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 7 May 2024 adopted a resolution of paying dividends of EUR 0.06 per share for the financial year 2023. History of Tallink Grupp’s dividend payments is available at In general, Tallink Grupp pays dividends once a year. In general, Tallink Grupp pays dividends once a year. In 2016 and 2019 there were additional payments related to the reduction of share capital.



Q: Where can I trade with the shares of Tallink Grupp?
A: The shares of Tallink Grupp have been listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange since 9 December 2005. Tallink Grupp’s Finnish Depository Receipts (FDRs) were listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange on 3 December 2018.
Q: What is Tallink Grupp’s ticker symbol and ISIN code?
A: Tallink Grupp’s shares, listed on Nasdaq Tallinn, have ISIN code of EE3100004466 and trading symbol TAL1T. Tallink Grupp’s FDRs on Nasdaq Helsinki have ISIN code of FI4000349378 and trading symbol TALLINK.
Q: What is the difference between shares & depositary receipts?
A: Tallink Grupp’s FDRs are Finnish securities, which are in all material respects financially equivalent to Tallink Grupp’s ordinary shares that are listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn stock exchange. In practice, each Tallink Grupp’s FDR corresponds to one share and carries the related rights and obligations. For example, through holding Tallink Grupp’s FDRs, any holder will have a similar right to Tallink’s dividends as the holders of Tallink’s shares.
Q: What types of shares does Tallink Grupp have?
A: Tallink Grupp has only one class of ordinary shares and each share carries one vote at the shareholders’ general meeting. Overview of average and outstanding shares is available at
Q: Does Tallink have outstanding bonds?
A: No, Tallink Grupp does not have any outstanding bonds.
Q: Are there any shareholder incentives or benefits?
A: Various benefits and offers are available for members of our loyalty programme, Club One, but Tallink Grupp does not have a separate shareholder incentive programme.